Kumpulan 40 Kata-Kata Romantis Yang Bisa Bikin Pacar Jadi Baper Dan Kata-Kata Romantis Bahasa Inggris
Bayak sekali kata-kata romantis buat pacar yang bisa dijadikan oleh kamu sebagai status facebook, instagram, twiter, lalu apa itu kata-kata romantis, sebuah ungkapan yang mengunkapkan atau menyakinkan seseorang bahwa yang mengungkapkan bener-bener tulus jatuh cinta terhadap seseorang yang dituju dengan kata-kata romantis tetsebut.
Jika anda sedang mencari sebuah kata-kata romantis bahasa inggris atau kata-kata romantis buat pacar kali ini saya akan memberikan karya sayah sendiri untuk anda dan bila menginginkan untuk dibuat status atau di sher sayah sangat bahagia berikut Kumpulan Kata-Kata Romantis Yang Bisa Bikin Pacar Jadi Baper.
1.kata-kata romantis buat pacar

"Pacar itu seperti air, bila dipandang akan terasa betah, bila digenggam maka akan cepat hilang dari genggaman"
"Bunga pun akan cepat layu bila tidak pernah disiram, begitupun cintaku padamu akan cepat layu seperti bunga bila kamu tidak pernah menyirami aku dengan cintamu"
"Jatuh cinta adalah hal yang biasa buat aku,namun ketika aku melihat dirimu rasa nya aku lebih,merasakan apa itu artinya cinta,dan kamu itu sangat lah berarti dalam hidup aku"
"Cinta dalam diam itu rasa nya sakit,bila tidak bisa melihat dirimu lagi,seandai nya kamu mengerti perasaan ku,aku pasti bakalan bahagia bersamamu"
"Disaat aku sedang putus asa,seakan akan aku tak tau arah akan hidup ku ini, kamu hadir di kehidupan ku, kamu bagaikan sinar yang menerangi kegelapan"
"Biarkanlah cinta kita seperti air yang mengalir karena air adalah sumber kehidupan"
"Aku tidak akan pernah lelah untuk mencintai mu"
"Wangi bunga pun bisa kalah ketika kamu berada didekatku"
2.kata kata mutiara cinta

"Cinta tidak ada yang mengetahui nya kapan cinta bisa tumbuh, begitupun cinta tidak ada yang mengetahuinya juga kapan cinta akan berhenti"
"Terkadang cinta itu seperti embun dipandang dari kejauhan bisa terlihat dipandang dari dekat tidak terlihat"
"Aku sangat takut kehilangan kamu karena aku merindukanmu aku sangat membutuhkanmu jangan pernah meninggalkan ku"
"Jika kamu menanyakan cintaku,
Cintaku sangat tulus kepadamu dan aku akan selalu menjagamu"
"Cinta itu seindah mega - mega merahrona semanis madu-madu, semanisnya bahagia itulah namanya cinta"
"Jangan pernah untuk menyalahkan cinta karena cinta tidak pernah salah, cinta itu tumbuh tanpa kita sadari "
"Tujuan kehidupan adalah untuk membahagiakan orang-orang yang dicintai"
3.kata-kata romantis bahasa inggris

"A girlfriend is like water, if it is seen it will feel at home, if it is held it will quickly disappear from the grip"
"Flowers will quickly wither if they are never watered, even though my love for you will quickly wither like flowers if you never water me with your love"
"Falling in love is a normal thing for me, but when I see yourself I feel more, feel what that means love, and you are very meaningful in my life"
"Love no one knows when love can grow, so love does anyone know it when love will stop"
"Sometimes love is like dew from a distance, it can be seen from near and not seen"
"I'm very afraid of losing you because I miss you. I really need you. Don't ever leave me."
"If you ask my love, My love is very sincere to you and I will always take care of you "
"Never to blame love because love is never wrong, love grows without us knowing it"
"The purpose of life is to make loved ones happy"
"When I'm desperate, as if I don't know the direction of my life, you are present in my life, you are like a ray that illuminates darkness"
"I always maintain eternal love, and I always remember, all things about our promises, which we once said, indeed to maintain eternal love, it is not as easy as what other people think but as long as you remember the love I have not only eternal love, but the love that I have is love that is forever together until later. "
"Falling in love can change. But falling in love can also last, but knowing that you fall in love with you will never change one bit. and I'll keep it even though it's hard for me to keep up"
"Could it be that your heart is the same as what I feel about you right now. If I wish I could express this feeling. If it's not the same, I will feel very disappointed and disappointed because I have acknowledged you "
"Never try to melt my heart, because my heart belongs to you, because I love you already since we met"
"I am afraid you will go away from me, I'm afraid you will be stolen by people, so that I will calm down, we marry, marriage is worship than we are going to get married later"
"Love in silence feels like it hurts, if you can't see yourself again, if you understand my feelings, I will definitely be happy with you"
"Not a joke that can make me fall in love with you, not a rose that you gave me but I fell in love with you for the simplicity that you have"
"I have been with you for years but this time I don't want to live like this and I want us to have a new life "I'll propose to you"
"If you don't want to feel again, what does it feel to be hurt I am ready to protect you from all that I will always look after you forever"
"God may not give me what I want, but after I see yourself it feels like God has given me what I want"
"Thousands of kilos I took, thousands of times I fell but my love for you never fell and I will hold it up to thousands of pounds I walked"
"all this time I always love you happily, laugh together, even when I'm far away always miss you, but why do you betray my love"
"If you continue to hurt my heart, one day you will regret it for the rest of your life"
"You can hurt me, but don't expect you to hurt me the second time, because I will repay what you've done with me"
"You really mean a lot to me, but my love will not be given to someone who has betrayed the sincerity of my love"
Nah itulah Kumpulan Kata-Kata Romantis Yang Bisa Bikin Pacar Jadi Baper semoga bermanfaat dan terimakasih telah membaca
Well, a collection of romantic words that can make a girlfriend become a baper, hopefully it will be useful and thank you for reading.
Jika anda sedang mencari sebuah kata-kata romantis bahasa inggris atau kata-kata romantis buat pacar kali ini saya akan memberikan karya sayah sendiri untuk anda dan bila menginginkan untuk dibuat status atau di sher sayah sangat bahagia berikut Kumpulan Kata-Kata Romantis Yang Bisa Bikin Pacar Jadi Baper.
1.kata-kata romantis buat pacar

"Pacar itu seperti air, bila dipandang akan terasa betah, bila digenggam maka akan cepat hilang dari genggaman"
"Bunga pun akan cepat layu bila tidak pernah disiram, begitupun cintaku padamu akan cepat layu seperti bunga bila kamu tidak pernah menyirami aku dengan cintamu"
"Jatuh cinta adalah hal yang biasa buat aku,namun ketika aku melihat dirimu rasa nya aku lebih,merasakan apa itu artinya cinta,dan kamu itu sangat lah berarti dalam hidup aku"
"Cinta dalam diam itu rasa nya sakit,bila tidak bisa melihat dirimu lagi,seandai nya kamu mengerti perasaan ku,aku pasti bakalan bahagia bersamamu"
"Disaat aku sedang putus asa,seakan akan aku tak tau arah akan hidup ku ini, kamu hadir di kehidupan ku, kamu bagaikan sinar yang menerangi kegelapan"
"Biarkanlah cinta kita seperti air yang mengalir karena air adalah sumber kehidupan"
"Aku tidak akan pernah lelah untuk mencintai mu"
"Wangi bunga pun bisa kalah ketika kamu berada didekatku"
2.kata kata mutiara cinta

"Cinta tidak ada yang mengetahui nya kapan cinta bisa tumbuh, begitupun cinta tidak ada yang mengetahuinya juga kapan cinta akan berhenti"
"Terkadang cinta itu seperti embun dipandang dari kejauhan bisa terlihat dipandang dari dekat tidak terlihat"
"Aku sangat takut kehilangan kamu karena aku merindukanmu aku sangat membutuhkanmu jangan pernah meninggalkan ku"
"Jika kamu menanyakan cintaku,
Cintaku sangat tulus kepadamu dan aku akan selalu menjagamu"
"Cinta itu seindah mega - mega merahrona semanis madu-madu, semanisnya bahagia itulah namanya cinta"
"Jangan pernah untuk menyalahkan cinta karena cinta tidak pernah salah, cinta itu tumbuh tanpa kita sadari "
"Tujuan kehidupan adalah untuk membahagiakan orang-orang yang dicintai"
3.kata-kata romantis bahasa inggris

"A girlfriend is like water, if it is seen it will feel at home, if it is held it will quickly disappear from the grip"
"Flowers will quickly wither if they are never watered, even though my love for you will quickly wither like flowers if you never water me with your love"
"Falling in love is a normal thing for me, but when I see yourself I feel more, feel what that means love, and you are very meaningful in my life"
"Love no one knows when love can grow, so love does anyone know it when love will stop"
"Sometimes love is like dew from a distance, it can be seen from near and not seen"
"I'm very afraid of losing you because I miss you. I really need you. Don't ever leave me."
"If you ask my love, My love is very sincere to you and I will always take care of you "
"Never to blame love because love is never wrong, love grows without us knowing it"
"The purpose of life is to make loved ones happy"
"When I'm desperate, as if I don't know the direction of my life, you are present in my life, you are like a ray that illuminates darkness"
"I always maintain eternal love, and I always remember, all things about our promises, which we once said, indeed to maintain eternal love, it is not as easy as what other people think but as long as you remember the love I have not only eternal love, but the love that I have is love that is forever together until later. "
"Falling in love can change. But falling in love can also last, but knowing that you fall in love with you will never change one bit. and I'll keep it even though it's hard for me to keep up"
"Could it be that your heart is the same as what I feel about you right now. If I wish I could express this feeling. If it's not the same, I will feel very disappointed and disappointed because I have acknowledged you "
"Never try to melt my heart, because my heart belongs to you, because I love you already since we met"
"I am afraid you will go away from me, I'm afraid you will be stolen by people, so that I will calm down, we marry, marriage is worship than we are going to get married later"
"Love in silence feels like it hurts, if you can't see yourself again, if you understand my feelings, I will definitely be happy with you"
"Not a joke that can make me fall in love with you, not a rose that you gave me but I fell in love with you for the simplicity that you have"
"I have been with you for years but this time I don't want to live like this and I want us to have a new life "I'll propose to you"
"If you don't want to feel again, what does it feel to be hurt I am ready to protect you from all that I will always look after you forever"
"God may not give me what I want, but after I see yourself it feels like God has given me what I want"
"Thousands of kilos I took, thousands of times I fell but my love for you never fell and I will hold it up to thousands of pounds I walked"
"all this time I always love you happily, laugh together, even when I'm far away always miss you, but why do you betray my love"
"If you continue to hurt my heart, one day you will regret it for the rest of your life"
"You can hurt me, but don't expect you to hurt me the second time, because I will repay what you've done with me"
"You really mean a lot to me, but my love will not be given to someone who has betrayed the sincerity of my love"
Nah itulah Kumpulan Kata-Kata Romantis Yang Bisa Bikin Pacar Jadi Baper semoga bermanfaat dan terimakasih telah membaca
Well, a collection of romantic words that can make a girlfriend become a baper, hopefully it will be useful and thank you for reading.